This chapter describes the configuration mechanisms and available options for Divolte Collector. If you are completely new to Divolte Collector, it is probably a good idea to go through the Getting Started guide first.
The configuration for Divolte Collector consists of three files:
Divolte Collector will try to find configuration files at startup in the configuration directory. Typically this is the /conf directory nested under the Divolte Collector installation. Divolte Collector will try to locate the configuration directory at ../conf relative to the startup script. The configuration directory can be overridden by setting the DIVOLTE_CONF_DIR environment variable. If set, the value will be used as configuration directory. If you have installed Divolte Collector from a RPM, the init script will set this variable to /etc/divolte-collector.
This shell script is run by the startup script prior to starting the Divolte Collector JVM. The following environment variables influence Divolte Collector.
Description: | Directory where Hadoop / HDFS configuration files are to be found. This directory is included in the classpath on startup, which causes the HDFS client to load the configuration files. |
Example: | HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf
Description: | The directory where the JRE/JDK is located. Divolte Collector will use $JAVA_HOME/bin/java as Java executable for startup. If this is not set, Divolte Collector will attempt to find a suitable JDK in a number of common Java installation locations on Linux systems. It is however not recommended to rely on this mechanism for production use. |
Example: | JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default
Description: | Additional arguments passed to the Java Virtual Machine on startup. If not set, by default Divolte Collector will start the JVM with “-XX:+UseG1GC -Djava.awt.headless=true”. It is recommend to use the G1 garbage collector. For light and medium traffic, the deaults tend to work fine. If this setting is set, Divolte Collector will not add any arguments by itself; this setting overrides the defaults. |
Example: | DIVOLTE_JAVA_OPTS="-XX:+UseG1GC -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"
This is the main configuration file for Divolte Collector. For configuration, Divolte Collector uses the Typesafe Config library. The dialect of the configuration file is a JSON superset called HOCON (for Human-Optimized Config Object Notation). HOCON has a nested structure, like JSON, but is slightly less verbose and doesn’t require escaping and quoting of strings in many cases. Here we outline some basic features of HOCON.
Nesting and dot separated namespacing can be used interchangeably:
// This:
divolte {
server {
host =
// Is the same as this: =
Environment variable overrides can be used. In this example the divolte.server.port setting defaults to 8290, unless the DIVOLTE_PORT environment veriable is set:
divolte {
server {
port = 8290
port = ${?DIVOLTE_PORT}
Objects are merged:
// This configuration
divolte {
server {
host =
divolte.server {
port = 8290
// Will result in this: =
divolte.server.port = 8290
For a full overview of the HOCON features and specification, see here:
The following sections and settings are available in the divolte-collector.conf file. Note that in this documentation the path notation for configuration options is used (e.g. divolte.server), but in examples the path and nested notation is used interchangeably.
This sections controls the settings for the internal HTTP server of Divolte Collector.
Description: | The host to which the server binds. Set to a specific IP address to selectively listen on that interface. |
Default: | |
Example: | divolte.server {
host =
Description: | The TCP port on which the sever listens. |
Default: | 8290 |
Example: | divolte.server {
port = 8290
Description: | Whether to use the X-Forwarded-For header HTTP header for determining the source IP of a request, if present. When set to true and a X-Forwared-For header is present, the rightmost IP address of the value is used as source IP when multiple IP addresses are separated by a comma. When the header is present more than once, the last value will be used. E.g.:
“X-Forwarded-For:,” ==>
“X-Forwarded-For:” ==>
Default: | false |
Example: | divolte.server {
use_x_forwarded_for = true
Description: | When true Divolte Collector serves a static test page at /. |
Default: | true |
Example: | divolte.server {
serve_static_resources = false
This section controls the tracking mechanism for Divolte Collector, such as the cookies and session timeouts, user agent parsing and ip2geo lookups.
Description: | The name of the cookie used for setting a party ID. |
Default: | _dvp |
Example: | divolte.tracking {
party_cookie = _pid
Description: | The expiry time for the party ID cookie. |
Default: | 730 days |
Example: | divolte.tracking {
party_timeout = 1000 days
Description: | The name of the cookie used tracking the session ID. |
Default: | _dvs |
Example: | divolte.tracking {
session_cookie = _sid
Description: | The expiry time for a session. |
Default: | 30 minutes |
Example: | divolte.tracking {
session_timeout = 1 hour
Description: | The cookie domain that is assigned to the cookies. When left empty, the cookies will have no domain explicitly associated with them, which effectively sets it to the website domain of the page that contains the Divolte Collector JavaScript. |
Default: | ‘’ (empty) |
Example: | divolte.tracking {
cookie_domain = ''
Description: | This configures the ip2geo database for geo lookups. A ip2geo database can be obtained from MaxMind ( Both a free version and a more accurate paid version are available. By default, no ip2geo database is configured. When this setting is absent, no attempt will be made to lookup geo-coordinates for IP addresses. If configured, Divolte Collector will keep a filesystem watch on the database file. If the file is changed on the filesystem the database will be reloaded at runtime without requireing a restart. |
Default: | not set |
Example: | divolte.tracking {
ip2geo_database = '/etc/divolte/ip2geo/GeoLite2-City.mmdb'
This section controls the user agent parsing settings. The user agent parsing is based on a open source parsing library (, which allows for dynamic reloading of the backing database if a internet connection is available.
Description: | This setting controls the updating behavior of the user agent parser. Possible values are:
Important: due to a change in the licensing of the user agent database, the online database for the user agent parser is no longer available. In Divolte Collector versions 0.2 and below, leave this setting to ‘non_updating’. In the next release, there will be a permanent solution to this problem. |
Default: | non_updating |
Example: | divolte.tracking.ua_parser {
type = caching_and_updating
Description: | User agent parsing is a relatively expensive operation that requires many regular expression evaluations. Very often the same user agent will make consecutive requests and many clients will have the exact same user agent as well. It therefore makes sense to cache the parsing results in memory and do a lookup before trying a parse. This setting determines how many unique user agent strings will be cached. |
Default: | 1000 |
Example: | divolte.tracking.ua_parser {
cache_size = 10000
Description: | By default, Divolte Collector will use a built-in Avro schema for writing data and a default mapping, which is documented in the Mapping section of the user documentation. The default schema can be found here: Typically, users will configure their own schema, usually with fields specific to their domain and custom events and other mappings. When using a user defined schema, it is also required to provide a mapping script. See Mapping for further reference. |
Default: | not set (uses built in schema) |
Example: | divolte.tracking {
schema_file = /etc/divolte/MyEventRecord.avsc
This section controls the schema mapping to use. Schema mapping is an important feature of Divolte Collector, as it allows users to map incoming requests onto custom Avro schema’s in non-trivial ways. See Mapping for details about this process and the internal mapping DSL used for defining mappings.
Description: | Multiple versions of the mapping DSL can be supported by versions of Divolte Collector. Currently, the latest version is 2. Version 1 is deprecated and support for it will be removed. There is no documentation available for version 1. For this version of Divolte Collector, always set this to 2. |
Default: | not set (uses built in mapping) |
Example: | divolte.tracking.schema_mapping {
version = 2
Description: | The groovy script file to use as mapping definition. |
Default: | not set (uses built in mapping) |
Example: | divolte.tracking.schema_mapping {
mapping_script_file = /etc/divolte/my-mapping.groovy
On startup, Divolte Collector internally compiles the JavaScript that it serves using Google’s Closure Compiler. This minifies the JavaScript and ensures there are no compilation errors or warnings. The javascript section controls settings related to the way the JavaScript file is compiled.
Description: | The filename of the JavaScript that is served. This changes the divolte.js part in the script url: |
Default: | divolte.js |
Example: | divolte.tracking.javascript {
name = tracking.js
Description: | Enable or disable the logging on the JavaScript console in the browser. |
Default: | false |
Example: | divolte.tracking.javascript {
logging = true
Description: | When true, the served JavaScript will be compiled, but not minified, improving readability when debugging in the browser. |
Default: | false |
Example: | divolte.tracking.javascript {
debug = true
This section controls settings related to the processing of incoming requests after they have been responded to by the server. Incoming requests in Divolte Collector are initially handled by a pool of HTTP threads, which immediately respond with a HTTP code 200 and send the response payload (a 1x1 pixel transparent GIF image). After responding, the request data is passed onto the incoming request processing thread pool. This is the incoming request processor.
Description: | Number of threads to use for processing incoming requests. |
Default: | 2 |
Example: | divolte.incoming_request_processor {
threads = 1
Description: | The maximum queue of incoming requests to keep before starting to drop incoming requests. Note that when this queue is full, requests are dropped and a warning is logged. No errors are reported to the client side. Divolte Collector will always respond with a HTTP 200 status code and the image payload. Note that the queue size is per thread. |
Default: | 100000 |
Example: | divolte.incoming_request_processor {
max_write_queue = 1000000
Description: | The maximum delay to block before an incoming request is dropped in case of a full queue. |
Default: | 1 second |
Example: | divolte.incoming_request_processor {
max_enqueue_delay = 20 seconds
Description: | The incoming request handler attempts to parse out all relevant information from the request as passed by the JavaScript. If the incoming request appears corrupt, for example because of a truncated URL or incorrect data in the fields, the request is flagged as corrupt. The detection of corrupt requests is enforced by appending a hash of all fields to the request from the JavaScript. This hash is validated on the server side. If this setting is true, events that are flagged as corrupt will be dropped from the stream, instead of being processed further. It is common not to drop the corrupt events, but instead include them for later analysis. |
Default: | false |
Example: | divolte.incoming_request_processor {
discard_corrupted = true
Description: | Browsers and other clients (e.g. anti-virus software, proxies) will sometimes send the exact same request twice. Divolte Collector attempts to flag these duplicate events by using a internal probabilistic data structure with a fixed memory size. The memory consists internally of an array of 64 bit integers. This the memory required in bytes is the memory size times 8 (8 megabytes for 1 million entries). Note that the memory size is per thread. |
Default: | 1000000 |
Example: | divolte.incoming_request_processor {
duplicate_memory_size = 10000000
Description: | If this setting is true, events that are flagged as duplicate will be dropped from the stream, instead of being processed further. It is common not to drop the duplicate events, but instead include them for later analysis. |
Default: | false |
Example: | divolte.incoming_request_processor {
discard_duplicates = true
This section controls settings related to flushing the event stream to a Apache Kafka topic.
Description: | If true, flushing to Kafka is enabled. Kafka flushing is disabled by default, as it is hard to set sensible defaults for the Kafka producer configuration. |
Default: | false |
Example: | divolte.kafka_flusher {
enabled = true
Description: | Number of threads to use for flushing events to Kafka. |
Default: | 2 |
Example: | divolte.kafka_flusher {
threads = 1
Description: | The maximum length of the queue of events to keep in the case that Kafka is unavailable before starting to drop incoming events. Note that when this queue is full, events are dropped and a warning is logged. No errors are reported to the client side. Divolte Collector will always respond with a HTTP 200 status code and the image payload. Note that the queue size is per thread. |
Default: | 200000 |
Example: | divolte.kafka_flusher {
max_write_queue = 1000000
Description: | The maximum delay to block before an incoming event is dropped in case of a full queue. |
Default: | 1 second |
Example: | divolte.kafka_flusher {
max_enqueue_delay = 20 seconds
Description: | The Kafka topic onto which events are published. |
Default: | divolte |
Example: | divolte.kafka_flusher {
topic = clickevents
Description: | All settings in here are used as-is to configure the Kafka producer. See: |
Default: | producer = { = ["localhost:9092"] = ${?DIVOLTE_KAFKA_BROKER_LIST} = divolte.collector = ${?DIVOLTE_KAFKA_CLIENT_ID}
request.required.acks = 0
message.send.max.retries = 5 = 200
Example: | divolte.kafka_flusher.producer = { = ["broker1:9092", "broker2:9092", "broker3:9092"] = divolte.collector
request.required.acks = 0
message.send.max.retries = 5 = 200
This section controls settings related to flushing the event stream.
Description: | If true, flushing to HDFS is enabled. Flushing to HDFS is enabled by default. Note that in absence of further HDFS configuration, the HDFS client defaults to writing to the local filesystem. |
Default: | true |
Example: | divolte.hdfs_flusher {
enabled = false
Description: | Number of threads to use for flushing events to HDFS. Each thread creates its own files on HDFS. Depending on the flushing strategy, multiple concurrent files could be kept open per thread. |
Default: | 2 |
Example: | divolte.hdfs_flusher {
threads = 1
Description: | The maximum length of the queue of events to keep in the case that HDFS is unavailable before starting to drop incoming events. Note that when this queue is full, events are dropped and a warning is logged. No errors are reported to the client side. Divolte Collector will always respond with a HTTP 200 status code and the image payload. Note that the queue size is per thread. |
Default: | 100000 |
Example: | divolte.hdfs_flusher {
max_write_queue = 1000000
Description: | The maximum delay to block before an incoming event is dropped in case of a full queue. |
Default: | 1 second |
Example: | divolte.hdfs_flusher {
max_enqueue_delay = 20 seconds
HDFS specific settings. Although it is possible to configure a HDFS URI here, it is more advisable to configure HDFS settings by specifying a HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable which will be added to the classpath on startup and as such configure the HDFS client automatically.
Description: | The filesystem URI to configure the HDFS client with. When absent, the URI is not set. In case of setting a HADOOP_CONF_DIR, this should not be set. |
Default: | not set |
Example: | divolte.hdfs_flusher.hdfs {
uri = "file:///"
Description: | The HDFS replication factor to use when creating files. |
Default: | 1 |
Example: | divolte.hdfs_flusher.hdfs {
replication = 3
Divolte Collector has two strategies for creating files on HDFS and flushing data. Either one of these must be configured, but not both. By default, a simple rolling file strategy is employed. This opens one file per thread and rolls on to a new file after a configurable interval. Files that are being written to have a extension of .avro.partial and are created in the the directory configured in the working_dir setting. When a file is closed, it is renamed to have a .avro extension and is moved to the directory configured in the publish_dir setting. This happens in a single (atomic) filesystem move operation.
Description: | Roll over files on HDFS after this amount of time. |
Default: | 60 minutes |
Example: | divolte.hdfs.simple_rolling_file_strategy {
roll_every = 15 minutes
Description: | Issue a hsync against files each time this number of records has been flushed to it. |
Default: | 1000 |
Example: | divolte.hdfs.simple_rolling_file_strategy {
sync_file_after_records = 100
Description: | Issue a hsync at least when this amount of time passes, regardless of how much data was written to a file. |
Default: | 30 seconds |
Example: | divolte.hdfs.simple_rolling_file_strategy {
sync_file_after_duration = 1 minute
Description: | Directory where files are created and kept while being written to. |
Default: | /tmp |
Example: | divolte.hdfs.simple_rolling_file_strategy {
working_dir = /webdata/inflight
Description: | Directory where files are moved to, after they are closed. |
Default: | /tmp |
Example: | divolte.hdfs.simple_rolling_file_strategy {
publish_dir = /webdata/published
Next to the rolling file strategy, there is a more complex strategy called session binning file strategy. The general idea of this strategy is to provide a best effort to put events that belong to the same session in the same file.
This strategy assigns events to files as such:
This strategy attempts to write events that belong to the same session to the same file. Do note that in case of failures, this guarantee no longer holds. For this reason, in failure scenarios or at shutdown, this strategy DOES NOT move files to the publish directory. Users have to setup a separate process to periodically move these files out of the way.
Description: | Issue a hsync against files each time this number of records has been flushed to it. |
Default: | 1000 |
Example: | divolte.hdfs.session_binning_file_strategy {
sync_file_after_records = 100
Description: | Issue a hsync at least when this amount of time passes, regardless of how much data was written to a file. |
Default: | 30 seconds |
Example: | divolte.hdfs.session_binning_file_strategy {
sync_file_after_duration = 1 minute
Description: | Directory where files are created and kept while being written to. |
Default: | /tmp |
Example: | divolte.hdfs.session_binning_file_strategy {
working_dir = /webdata/inflight
Description: | Directory where files are moved to, after they are closed. |
Default: | /tmp |
Example: | divolte.hdfs.session_binning_file_strategy {
publish_dir = /webdata/published
Divolte Collector uses the Logback Project as its logging provider. This provider is configured through the logback.xml file in the configuration directory. For more information about the settings in this file, review the Configuration chapter in the Logback Manual.
Next to the server side configuration, Divolte Collector needs to be integrated into a website in order to log events. The basic configuration consists of just adding a single tag to log pageviews, but in many cases it makes sense to add custom events for tracking specific user interactions.
The tag for Divolte Collector to include in each page of a website is this:
<script src="//" defer async></script>
Change the domain name to the domain where you are hosting Divolte Collector. Also, if you configure a different script name than the default, the location will be different as well.
In order to fire custom events from the browser, use the following JavaScript code:
divolte.signal('eventType', { 'foo': 'divolte', 'bar': 42 })
The first argument to the divolte.signal(...) function is the event type parameter. The second argument is a arbitrary object with custom event parameters. Storing the event parameter and the custom event parameters into the configured Avro data is achieved through the mapping. See the Mapping chapter for details.